Statistical interpretation of the Lichtenknecker-Database of the BAV

Currently the Lichtenkecker-Database of the BAV (LkDB) contains 189237 minima of 2251 eclipsing binaries distributed in 52 constellations.
This webpage allows some statistical interpretations.

For more informations
about the possible options move the mousepointer to the beginning of this line.

Sort criterion : Sort sequence :
  By constellation and variable name   ascending
  By JD of first observation   descending
  By JD of last observation  
  By quantity of all observations  
  By quantity of CCD- and light-el. observations  
  By quantity of other observations  

Select a constellation from the following table. For "all constellations" either select nothing or "All" (at the end of the table)

Selected constellation:
And Aqr Aql Ari Aur Boo Cam Cnc CVn CMa CMi Cap Cas Cep Cet
Com CrB Crv Crt Cyg Del Dra Equ Eri Gem Her Hya Lac Leo LMi
Lep Lib Lyn Lyr Mon Oph Ori Peg Per Psc Pup Sge Sgr Sct Ser
Sex Tau Tri UMa UMi Vir Vul All

Informations about the selection criteria :
Sort criterion lists several options for sorting the statistics about the stars of the LkDB. There is only one choice possible by marking the radio button in front of the text.
In detail, the criteria have the following meaning :
By constellation and variable name : The sorting happens according to the usual order of the constellations from And to Vul. Within the constellation the stars are sorted according to the common order: R, S, T,...... In case that "descending" is choosen the sorting of the constellations is done in "reverse" order, from Vul bis And. Also the variables in each constellation are sorted in "reverse" order, e.g. from V4153 Sgr by V4048 Sgr till WX Sgr.
By JD of first/last observation : In this case the sorting is done by the JD of the first respectively last observation. According to the choosen sort sequence the table starts with the oldest (on ascending order) respectively newest observation.
By quantity of all/CCD- and light-el./other observations The sorting is done according to the number of observations.
The item "other observations" stands for the total of visual observations, photographic series, weak images on photographic plates and observations with unknown type of photometry.
The sort sequence specifies, how the sorting should be done.
"Ascending" means that the sorting should start with the lowest value (1st. star, oldest JD, lowest value of observations) and the highest values are at the end of the table. If "descending" is choosen, the sorting is done in reverse order.
The presetting is "Sort by constellation and variable name in ascending order".

If the sorting should be done only for a definite constellation, the selection can be carried out by simlpy one mouse click on the constellation token. The selection is shown in the field after "Selected constellation:".
If the interpretation should be done for all constellations, no token should be choosen.
If a selection is already made, this can be overwritten by choosing "All" at the end of the list of constellations.

Any interpretation starts not until a click on the button "Start evaluation".